Direction of activity


Scientific and Technical Center "Sich Cert" LLC (STC "Sich Cert" LLC) has a significant experience in training, attestation and certification of personnel workingin the field of aviation and cosmonautics, mechanical engineering, on high-risk equipment, in railway transport, in pipeline transport, in the chemical industry, shipbuilding, metallurgy, nuclear and thermal power, and other industries.


The personnel qualified at STC "Sich Cert" LLC works not only in Ukraine, but also in enterprises and in business throughout the World: Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Great Britain, Germany, Italy and other European countries Union, the United States, Canada and Latin America countries, China, India and South-East Asia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and other countries in the Middle East, Africa, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries.


Since 1995, one of the activities of STC "Sich Cert" rendering of services in training, attestation and certification for personnel involved in non-destructive testing. Certification of personnel is carried out by the Independent Personnel Certification Body of STC "Sich Cert" LLC (IPC) in accordance with the requirements of national and international standards.

STC "Sich Cert" LLC provides services for the training, attestation and certification of personnel involved in non-destructive testing for the following, most in-demand, intersectoral standards:

* International standard ISO 9712 "Non-destructive testing - Qualification and certification of NDT personnel"

* International Standard ISO 11484 "Steel products - Employee qualification system for non-destructive testing (NDT) personnel"

* European standard EN ISO 9712 "Non-destructive testing - Qualification and certification of NDT personnel"

* American Standard (USA) SNT-TC-1A "Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive Testing"

* Russian standard GOST R ISO 9712  "Non-destructive testing. Qualification and certification of personnel"

* Ukrainian standard DSTU EN ISO 9712 "Non-destructive testing. Qualification and certification of personnel for non-destructive testing"

It is also possible to apply other standards for the training, attestation and certification of personnel involved in non-destructive testing.

As an accredited organization and in the declared field of activity, STC "Sich Cert" LLC is working on the training, attestation and certification of personnel of non-destructive testing (flaw detection and thickness measurement) for I (first), II (second) and III (third) skill levels with issuance of Conformity certificates and certificates of the established sample in all branches of industry in the following directions:

Visual and Optical Testing (VT);
– Magnetic Particle Testing (MT);
 Ultrasonic Testing (UT);
– Radiography Testing (RT);
– Eddy Current Testing (ET);
Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT);
Leak Testing (LT);

and other non-destructive testing methods, in the following industrial sectors:

Sector related to manufacturing technology:

– castings (c) (ferrous and nonferrous materials);
– forgings (f) (all types of forgings: ferrous and non-ferrous materials);
– welds (w) (all types of welds, including soldering, for ferrous and non-ferrous materials);
– tubes and pipes (t) (seamless, welded, ferrous and non-ferrous materials, including flat products for the manufacturing of welded pipes);
– wrought products (wp);
– composite materials (p);

Industrial sectors:

– manufacturing (combining c, f, w, t, wp and p);
– pre- and in-service testing which includes manufacturing (combining c, f, w, t, wp and p);
– railway maintenance (combining c, f, w, t, wp and p);
– aerospace (combining c, f, w, t, wp and p);

Technology sectors that are used in the aerospace industry (aviation and cosmonautics):

– aerospace engineering industries;
– aerospace manufacturing industries;
– aerospace service (on exploitation) and maintenance industries;
– aerospace overhaul and modernization industries;

Sectors – an objects which are use in specific fields of manufacture

– metalwork and metal production;
– thermal energetics;
– industrial energetics;
– atomic energetics;
– pipelines;
– chemistry and petrochemistry;
– drilling equipment;
– load–lifting constructions and mechanisms;
– metalwares and building constructions;
– shipbuilding and shiprepair;

and other sectors in the interests of the Customer.

In the field of aviation and cosmonautics, STC "Sich Cert" LLC additionally provides services on training, attestation and certification of personnel involved in non-destructive testing, according to the following standards:

* European standard EN 4179 "Aerospace series - Qualification and approval of personnel for non-destructive testing"

* American standard (USA) AIA-NAS-410 "NAS Certification & Qualification of Nondestructive Test Personnel"

* Russian standard GOST R 55252 "Air transport. Aviation techniques non-destructive testing. Qualification and approval of personnel. General principles"

– certification of personnel that performs non-destructive testing in aerospace engineering, aerospace manufacturing, service (during operation), maintenance, industrial audit, repair and modernization of aerospace equipment - on skill levels:

I (O) (first limited), I (first), II (second), III (third) qualification levels on ultrasonic testing (UT), radiographic testing  (RT), magnetic testing (MT), liquid penetrant testing (PT), eddy current testing (ET), Visual testing (VT) methods of nondestructive testing and leak testing (LT).

The Person Certification Body of STC "Sich Cert" LLC conducts certification of personnel of non-destructive testing in accordance with the requirements of the American Standard (SNT-TC-1A) "Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive Testing". Certification on SNT-TC-1A standard does not require special accreditation of the Personnel Certification Body, but this activity must be properly secured and declared.

The personnel certification body of STC "Sich Cert" LLC conducts certification of personnel of non-destructive testing that performs work in the field of supervision and regulation of activities by the State Aviation Service of Ukraine.

The Person Certification body of STC "Sich Cert" LLC conducts certification of personnel of non-destructive testing that performs activities in the field of supervision and regulation of activities by the Register of Shipping of Ukraine.

Since 2006, the Person Certification body of STC "Sich Cert" LLC has started certification of NDT personnel in accordance with the requirements of NPAOP 0.00-6.14-97 (formerly - DNAOP 0.00-8.14-97) "Procedure for certification of personnel of non-destructive testing".

After Order No. 1387 of 10.12.2012 was introduced by the Ministry of Emergency of Ukraine NPAOP 0.00-1.63-13 "Rules for certification of specialists on non-destructive testing" and canceled by NPAOP 0.00-6.14-97 "The procedure of certification of personnel in the field of non-destructive testing", personnel certification is carried out on the basis of NPAOP 0.00-1.63-13 "Rules of certification of specialists in non-destructive testing."

Since 2012, the Person Certification Body of the STC "Sich Cert" has started certification of NDT personnel in accordance with the requirements of the CKadr-0001 "Rules for training, attestation and certification of personnel on non-destructive testing  for technical facilities of railway transport in Ukraine." After the order of Ukrzaliznytsiya No. 290-C dated 08.08.2012 CKadr-0001 have been canceled, STC "Sich Cert" LLC uses EN ISO 9712 (DSTU EN ISO 9712) in its work.

At the present time, NDT specialists who areattested and certified by STC "Sich Cert" LLC, in order to ensure the recognition of competence not only in Ukraine but also abroad, can receive certificates ofconformity immediately by several standards.

The validity period of the certificates of conformity of NDT specialists that are issued by the STC "Sich Cert" - in accordance with the requirements of international standards is 5 years, but not 3 years, as in other organizations, which provides an opportunity for potential customers twice lower coston expenses of personnel certification of Non-destructive testing.


The activities of welding professionals are regulated by international and national welding standards. A number of such standards are not only regulate the activities of welding professionals, but also establish requirements for their qualifications.

STC "Sich Cert" LLC provides services for training, attestation and certification of welding professionals in accordance with the Certification System and the following, most demanded, cross-industry standards:

*International Standard ISO 14731 «Welding coordination - Tasks and responsibilities»

*International Standards series ISO 3834 «Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials»

*European Standard EN ISO 14731 «Welding coordination - Tasks and responsibilities»

*European Standards series EN ISO 3834 «Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials»

*European Standards series EN 1090 «Execution of steel structures and aluminum structures»

*European Standards series EN 15085 «Railway applications - Welding of railway vehicles and components»

*American Standards (USA) series AWS B5 «Specifications for the qualification of welding professionals»

*Ukrainian Standard DSTU EN ISO 14731 «Welding coordination - Tasks and responsibilities»

*Ukrainian Standards series DSTU EN ISO 3834 «Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials»

*Ukrainian Standards series DSTU EN 1090 «Execution of steel structures and aluminum structures»

*Ukrainian Standards series DSTU EN 15085 «Railway applications - Welding of railway vehicles and components»

It is also possible to apply other standards for training, attestation and certification of welding professionals.

STC "Sich Cert" LLC is working on training, attestation and certification of welding professionals with issuance of Conformity certificates and certification of the established sample in all branches of industry in the following qualifications:

Certified Welding Inspector:

– Certified Welding Inspector (CWIB) – Basic Level (Level I)
– Certified Welding Inspector (CWIS) – Standard Level (Level II)
– Certified Welding Inspector (CWIC) – Comprehensive Level (Level III))

Certified Welding Engineer:

– Certified Welding Practitioner (CWР) (Level I)
– Certified Welding Specialist (CWS) (Level II)
– Certified Welding Technologist (CWT) (Level III)
– Certified Welding Engineer (CWE) (Level IV)

Certified Welding Coordinator (Welding Structures - EN 1090):

– Certified Welding Coordinator (CWCB) – Basic Level (Level I)
– Certified Welding Coordinator (CWCS) – Standard Level (Level II)
– Certified Welding Coordinator (CWCC) – Comprehensive Level (Level III)

Certified Welding Coordinator (Railway – EN 15085):

– Certified Welding Coordinator (CWC-С) – Level С (Level I)
– Certified Welding Coordinator (CWC-В) – Level В (Level II)
– Certified Welding Coordinator (CWC-А) – Level А (Level III)

and other qualifications in the interests of the Customer.

The validity period of the certificates of conformity of welding professionals that issued by the STC "Sich Cert" LLC - 5 years.


The activities of specialists in anti-corrosion protections are regulated by international and national standards for anti-corrosion protections. A number of such standards are not only regulate the activities of specialists in anti-corrosion protections, but also establish requirements for their qualifications.

STC "Sich Cert" LLC provides services for training, attestation and certification of specialists in anti-corrosion protections in accordance with the Certification System and the following, most demanded, cross-industry standards:

*International Standards series ISO 12944 «Paints and varnishes — Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems»

*European Standards series EN ISO 12944 «Paints and varnishes — Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems»

*American Standard (USA) ANSI / NACE No.13 / SSPC-ASC-1 «Industrial Coating and Lining Application Specialist Qualification and Certification»

* International Standard ISO 15257 «Cathodic protection - Competence levels of cathodic protection persons - Basis for a certification scheme»

* European Standard EN ISO 15257 «Cathodic protection - Competence levels of cathodic protection persons - Basis for a certification scheme»

*Ukrainian Standards series DSTU ISO 12944 «Paints and varnishes — Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems»

*Ukrainian Standard DSTU 4219 «Steel pipe mains. General requirements for corrosion protection»

It is also possible to apply other standards for training, attestation and certification of specialists in anti-corrosion protections.

STC "Sich Cert" LLC is working on training, attestation and certification of specialists in anti-corrosion protections with issuance of Conformity certificates and certification of the established sample in all branches of industry in the following qualifications:

Certified Cathodic Protection Specialist
Level I - Certified cathodic protection data collector (tester) (CP1)
– Level II - Certified cathodic protection technician (CP2)
– Level III - Certified cathodic protection senior technician (CP3)
– Level IV - Certified cathodic protection specialist (CP4)

Certified Coating Inspector
– Level I (CCI-I), Level II (CCI-II), Level III (CCI-III)

Certified Painting Inspector
– Level I (CРI-I), Level II (CРI-II), Level III (CРI-III)

Certified Coating Specialist
Level CC (Certified Coater), Level I (CCS-I), Level II (CCS-II), Level III (CCS-III)

Certified Painting Specialist
Level CР (Certified Painter), Level I (CРS-I), Level II (CРS-II), Level III (CРS-III)

Certification of Anti-Corrosion Protection Specialists of the Oil and Gas Complex
– “Specialist in monitoring the technology of applying and assessing the quality of industrial anti-corrosion paint and varnish coatings” (DSTU ISO 12944)
– “Specialist in monitoring the technology of applying and assessing the quality of insulating coatings for oil and gas pipelines” (DSTU 4219)
– “Quality control specialist anti-corrosion protective coatings for oil and gas pipelines" (DSTU 4219 and DSTU ISO 12944)

and other qualifications in the interests of the Customer.

The validity period of the certificates of conformity of specialists in anti-corrosion protections that issued by the STC "Sich Cert" LLC - 5 years.


The activities of specialists performing destructive testing and materials research are regulated by international and national standards for destructive testing and materials research. A number of such standards not only regulate the activities of specialists in destructive testing and materials research, but also establish requirements for their qualifications.

International standard ISO/IEC 17025 (EN ISO/IEC 17025, IDT; DSTU EN ISO/IEC 17025, IDT), which establishes requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories, also puts forward as a necessary condition the requirements for ensuring and confirming the qualifications specialists of laboratories, operating according to ISO/IEC 17025.

This area of personnel qualification confirmation can also be used by organizations performing work and providing inspection services in accordance with the international standard ISO/IEC 17020 (EN ISO/IEC 17020, IDT; DSTU EN ISO/IEC 17020, IDT), whose activities are related to destructive testing and materials research. The ISO/IEC 17020 also sets forth as a necessary condition the requirements for ensuring and confirming the qualifications of specialists operating according to the ISO/IEC 17020.

STC "Sich Cert" LLC offers services in training, attestation and certification of specialists for destructive testing and materials research, including in the following:

01   Materials Science
02   Technological Testing
03   Mechanical Testing
04   Heat Resistance Testing
05   Corrosion Testing
06   Electromechanical Testing

07   Mechanical Testing of Coatings
08   Testing of Paintwork Coatings
09   Testing Chemical Coatings
10   Testing of Electroplated Coatings
11   Testing of Gas-Thermal Coatings
12   Testing of Vacuum Plasma Coatings
13   Testing of Thin Film Coatings

14   Metal Science
15   Metallographic Analysis
16   Intergranular Corrosion Analysis
17   Analysis of Gases in Metals
18   Spectral Analysis
19   Physical-Chemical Analysis
20   Chemical Analysis
21   Electrochemical Analysis
22   Electrolyte Analysis

23   Analysis of Aviation Fuels and Lubricants
24   Analysis of Oil and Petroleum Products
25   Natural Gas Analysis
26   Gas and Dust Analysis

and other qualifications in the interests of the Customer.

The validity period of the certificates of conformity of specialists in destructive testing and materials research that issued by the STC "Sich Cert" LLC - 5 years.


The activities of specialists performing individual production technologies are regulated by international and national standards for the quality of materials and production technologies. A number of such standards not only regulate the activities of production technology specialists, but also establish requirements for their qualifications.

STC "Sich Cert" LLC offers services in training, attestation and certification of specialists for production technologies, including in the following:

Metal production technology
Metal casting technology
Metal forming technology
Thermal treatment technology
– Thermochemical treatment technology
Powder metallurgy technology
Powder materials technology
Composite materials technology
Polymer materials technology

Paintwork coating technology
Chemical coating technology
Electroplating coating technology
Gas-Thermal coating technology
Vacuum plasma coating technology
Thin film coating technology

and other qualifications in the interests of the Customer.

 The validity period of the certificates of conformity of specialists in production technologies that issued by the STC "Sich Cert" LLC - 5 years.


International and national standards, such as ISO 9000 and ISO 9001, DSTU ISO 9000 and DSTU ISO 9001, some technological processes are qualified as special, which requires confirmation of qualifications of the personnel who performs these processes or manage them.

STC "Sich Cert" LLC offers services in training, attestation and certification of specialists executing special technological processes, including in the following:

– welding;
– brazing;
– building-up metal;
– metal founding;
– manufacture and use of composite materials;
– manufacture and use of vacuum polymeric materials;
– strengthening plating;
– metal plating;
– chemical plating;
– paintwork coating;
– thermal treatment;
– thermochemical treatment;
– bolt tightening technology;
– mechanical testing;
– mechanical testing of coatings;
– electromechanical testing;
– heat resistance testing;
– anticorrosive testing;
– materials science;
– metal science;
– chemical analysis;
– physical-chemical analysis;
– spectrum analysis;
– metallographic analysis;
– analysis of gases in metals;
– analysis of gases and dust;
– analysis of combustive-lubricating materials;
– analysis of metal plating;
– analysis of chemical plating;
– electrolyte analysis;
– intergranular corrosion analysis.


– welding - basic course;
– gas welding - general course;
– gas welding of metalwares;
– gas welding of pipelines;
– gas welding in energetics;
– inert gas welding - general course;
– inert gas welding of metalwares;
– inert gas welding of pipelines;
– inert gas welding in energetics;
– manual metal arc welding - general course;
– manual metal arc welding of metalwares;
– manual metal arc welding of pipelines;
– manual metal arc welding in energetics;
– electron beam welding;
– contact welding;
– brazing.


– materials science;
– mechanical properties of materials;
– materials resistance;
– stress concentration;
– fracture mechanics;
– machine elements and mechanisms.


In the System of preparation, attestation and certification of personnel of STC "Sich Cert" LLC, the INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM OF DISTANCE LEARNIING operates.

Distance learning (DL) is a form of training combining independent and consulting work, in which, on the one hand, the main are information technologies that provide the content to the learners (a site, information filled with text of lectures, pictures, videos, animations, etc.) according to the program, which is assimilated and the interaction of the teacher and students with each other at a distance, on the other hand, there are all components of the usual educational process (goals, content, methods, organizational forms, means of education).

Distance learning:

  • a process that takes place without interruption from the main production activity.
    At the same time, student can choose any of the training courses, as well as independently planning the time, place and duration of the lessons and the period of mastering the program;
  • does not depend on the geographic location and time schedule of the student;
  • does not depend on the availability of language barriers for students;
  • significantly cheaper for employers to train employees by eliminating the costs of travel to training centers, accommodation and travel expenses;
  • significantly reduces the cost of training for individuals - by eliminating the costs of travel to training centers, accommodation and travel expenses;
  • improves the quality of education through the use of modern tools, convenient and high-quality content, large-scale information sources, a system of self-examination of knowledge, a system of communication between listeners among themselves and with teachers, etc.;
  • allows you to study at an individual pace - the speed of learning is established by the learner, depending on his personal circumstances and needs.

The requirements for the equipment that the student must have are the most minimal:

  • Availability of a computer and the ability to access the Internet;

The use of distance learning platforms enables the teacher to monitor the student's knowledge rhythmically throughout the entire period of the program's mastery, to take into account the whole set of statistical data on testing and to obtain a more objective final evaluation. The program used by the teacher allows you to see: when the student "went" in the discipline, with what materials he got acquainted, how he answered the questions, how long it took.

At the present time, the content of distance learning is developed on the basis of three language platforms - English, Russian and Ukrainian.

With the use of modern Internet translators, the content of distance learning becomes available in more than 100 languages.

Distance learning is organized and conducted for both organizations and individuals, both as a group and individually.


STC "Sich Cert" LLC conducts an independent evaluation of its activities and competence on an initiative basis and on a voluntary basis.

As a competent organization, STC "Sich Cert" LLC is accredited in accordance with the International Standard ІSO / ІЕС 17024 "Conformity assessment - General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons" by the Global Standards Accreditation Service (GSAS).

At the national level, STC "Sich Cert " LLC is accredited by the National Accreditation Agency of Ukraine (NAAU), whose accreditation is also recognized at the international level.

STC "Sich Cert" LLC - is the first organization in Ukraine performing works on personnel certification that was accredited in accordance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On accreditation of conformity assessment bodies" by the National Accreditation Body - the National Agency for Accreditation of Ukraine in accordance with the requirements of the International Standard ISO / ІЕС 17024 "Conformity assessment - General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons".

The National Accreditation Agency of Ukraine (NAAU) is a part of the - "European Community for Accreditation" (EA) - the European Union Headquarters for Accreditation.

NAAU is a member of the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC), the International Community for Laboratory Accreditation, a World Organization that facilitates the smooth passage of products and services across national borders through the mutual recognition of accreditation.

NAAU is also a member of the "International Accreditation Forum, Inc."(IAF), of the World Accreditation Association, the World Organization that develops a unified world system of accreditation and conformity assessment and promotes international and mutual recognition Competence of accreditation bodies and accredited conformity assessment organizations.

Recognition of NAAU in authoritative international organizations that unite national accreditation bodies ensures the recognition of certificates of compliance issued by the accredited Person Certification Body of STC "Sich Cert" LLC not only in Ukraine but also in other countries.

The competence of the CBP STC "Sich Cert" in the field of performance of work on the standard SNT-TC-1A was further evaluated in 2012 by the auditors of the American Petroleum Institute (USA) in the creation of the "Employer's System for Training, Certification and Certification Personnel of non-destructive testing "in OMZ (OJSC" Orsk Machine Building Plant", Russia), where STC "Sich Cert" LLC served as the External Agency of the System.

In 2015, the competence of the CBP STC "Sich Cert" in the field of work on the standard SNT-TC-1A was also evaluated by the American Petroleum Institute (American Petroleum Institute (USA) - in carrying out work to provide methodological assistance and certification of non-destructive Control in SMNPO (PJSC "Sumy NGO", Ukraine).

The competence of CBP "Sich Cert" LLC is recognized by the State Aviation Service of Ukraine and the Register of Shipping of Ukraine.

In addition, in the declared field of activity and on the basis of other documents confirming competence, CBP "Sich Cert" LLC conducts work on the preparation, attestation and certification of personnel of non-destructive testing for I (first), second (second) and third (third) skill levels, performing works on nondestructive testing in the design, production, operation, maintenance and industrial audit - on the basis of international, European and American standards that establish requirements for competence And nondestructive testing personnel.


STC "Sich Cert" LLC is an organization that provides services for attestation and certification of personnel of non-destructive testing and specialists performing special technological processes, the quality management system of which is certified for compliance with DSTU ISO 9001 (ISO 9001, IDT).

STC "Sich Cert" LLC has been successfully working on the above issues since 1995 and offers cooperation in these and other areas.

Certification of personnel is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On Technical Regulations and Conformity Assessment" in the order determined by the agreement between the Customer and the Certification Body.

At the conclusion of contracts for work there is a flexible system of discounts.

As agreed by the parties, the works can be carried out on the territory of the Customer.


According to the 2020 National Business Award of Ukraine "Country Choice" STC "Sich Cert" LLC is in the ranking of reliable enterprises in Ukraine.

Following the results of 2020, of the All-Ukrainian rating program “All-Ukrainian sectoral analytical center” STC “Sich Sert” LLC entered to the official “Register of the best suppliers of goods and services”.

Following the results of 2020, of the All-Ukrainian rating program “All-Ukrainian sectoral analytical center” STC “Sich Sert” LLC entered to the official “Register reliable and investment-attractive enterprises”.

According to the 2021 National Business Award of Ukraine "Country Choice" STC "Sich Cert" LLC is in the ranking of reliable enterprises in Ukraine.

Based on the results of 2022 and 2023 of the all-Ukrainian rating program of the “Association for Economic Cooperation and Entrepreneurship Development” together with the “All-Ukrainian Industry Analytical Center” STC “Sich Sert” LLC entered the “Independent Register of Effective Organizations” and was presented for participation in the “ENTERPRISE GARANT 2023” program.

Based on the results of 2023, the ”All-Ukrainian Industry Analytical Center”, STC Sich Sert LLC, included it in the “Register reliable and investment-attractive enterprises” and in the "Register of the Best Suppliers of Goods and Services" and was presented for participation in the ”COMPANY OF THE YEAR 2023” program.

Based on the results of 2024, the ”All-Ukrainian Industry Analytical Center”, STC Sich Sert LLC, included it in the "Register of the Best Suppliers of Goods and Services" and was presented for participation in the ”COMPANY OF THE YEAR 2024” program.

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